Can assets be used in lieu of $100MM cash funds.
The $100M must be transferable to the European Bank that is partnered with the Private Placement Platform. Rather than
liquidating stocks, treasuries, bonds, and gold, many investors prefer to approach their bank to establish a line-of-credit against
these assets. Most banks (especially Wealth Management Banks) will offer a line-of-credit equal to 90%-95% of their Treasuries
holdings, 80%-90% against their Bond holdings, 50%-75% against their stocks/equity holdings, and 90%-95% against their gold or
gold certificate holdings. That line-of-credit is then available to enter the Private Placement Platform. Banks will make this line-of-
credit available normally in 24 to 48 hours with LIBOR based interested rates of 1.5% to 1.75%. Please call us if you need
assistance in recommending a U.S. bank with this service.