I am sure that you are beyond frustrated hearing about the illusive 100B “Billion” or even 1T “Trillion” 3M lots that are floating around the brokersphere. I figured after writing my last two articles in regards to imaginary distributor and 3M broker jokers I felt it was about time we put some common sense and logic using visualization of logistics.
Lets start with simple comparison
The above representation of 100M dollars is equivalent to 1 pallet of 3M boxes which hold aprox 50 Cases of 3M 1860 boxes each Case holds 10 Boxes and each box holds 20 Mask. That puts us aprox 6,000 3M 1860 mask per Pallet shown.
This example of 3M product in a warehouse below as you can see 50 cases per Pallet.
Now that we have a metrics we can us 1 Pallet of 100M dollars of money is aprox same size as 1 pallet of 3M 1860’s lets do some math and break this down for you.
Below shows aprox $74B dollars divided by $100M = 740 Pallets and if each pallet were 3M 1860’s that would be 740 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
4.4 million 3M 1860 Masks
Using the same math this picture below shows aprox $318B dollars divided by $100M = 3180 Pallets and if each Pallet were 3M that would be 3180 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
20 million 3M 1860 Masks
This is where is really starts to get interesting..
Again using the same math this picture below shows aprox $1T dollars divided by $100M = 10,000 Pallets each Pallet were 3M that would be 10,000 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
60 million 3M 1860 Masks
Again using the same math this picture below shows aprox $3.8T dollars divided by $100M 38,000 Pallets each Pallet were 3M that would be 38,000 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
230 million 3M 1860 Masks
Same math this picture below shows aprox $4T dollars divided by $100M = 40,000 Pallets and if each Pallet were 3M that would be 40,000 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
240 million 3M 1860 Masks
Same math this picture below shows aprox $20T dollars divided by $100M = 200,000 Pallets and if each Pallet were 3M that would be 200,000 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
1.2 Billion 3M 1860 Masks
Same math this picture below shows aprox $70T dollars divided by $100M = 700,000 Pallets and if each Pallet were 3M that would be 700,000 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
4.2 Billion 3M 1860 Masks
Same math this picture below shows aprox $116T dollars divided by $100M = 1.6M Pallets and if each Pallet were 3M that would be 1,160,000 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
7 Billion 3M 1860 Masks
Same math this picture below shows aprox $230T dollars divided by $100M = 2.3M Pallets and if each Pallet were 3M that would be 2,300,000 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
13.8 Billion 3M 1860 Masks
Same math this picture below shows aprox $1 Quadrillion dollars divided by $100M = 10M Pallets and if each Pallet were 3M that would be 10,000,000 x 6000 (3M 1860’S per Pallet)
60 Billion 3M 1860 Masks
Now that your mind is totally blown, we need to bring you back down to earth. If your in search of the 1B, 10BM 100B or even 1T LOT of 3M product you now have a reference to go back to. That said, you also have to look at the economics of these transactions as well.
The going rate for 1B up to 100B is between $1.50 +10% to as much as $3.00 or more. That said, 99.999999% of the people that are offering these lots are never going to close a deal. The good news is that like on
Dumber and Dumber so your saying there is a chance.. LMAO
YES there is a chance but not likely. Although there are people that are closing deals in the Billion (B) LOT range I am not so sure that their are 100B LOT’s especially Trillion (T) LOT’s and even if it did exist, to me its impractical and not realistic. Just for the fun of if for those of you that are hocking (T) Trillion size Lots based on the above last image you would need that everything you see in the picture multiplied by 16.6 times.
I believe there will be movies made about the 3M similar to the Big Short movie. Between Joker Brokers, greed, money laundering and all the attorneys and distributors that were involved in deceptive and shady practice is mind blowing to us.
Please share this if you find it interesting and helpful to you.
In regards to trucking logistics, now lets say you do find a major LOT on the ground, what would it take to move this kind of product from point A to point B.
By the numbers You can load 26 Pallets on the back of a tractor trailer which holds a 40 ft container as shown above that is aprox 156,000 masks. You would need 641 trucks for 100M mask order. If you need to pick up 1 Billion Mask you would need 6,410 trucks.
In closing, weather you have been burned by bad actors, ghost product, fake distributors or just wasted time on endless calls with outcome. Feel free to reach out to us if you are a qualified Buyer and want to have call.
Contact us if you would like help with your 3M resources
Credit for all money illustrations goes to :
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