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While everyone was fixated on COVID 19 and the Pandemic here comes RACE WAR 2020. I normally do not write articles about this type of subject, but I felt inclined to share my two cents while I have an audience that will listen.

First off let’s think about this, your wearing a mask due to the pandemic what a great way to hide your face if your going to commit criminal acts. I mean George Soros, Antifa are paying people to cross boarders to incite RIOTS, create unruly and dangerous protest. Light fires rile up protestors and even leave pallets of bricks for no reason in front of CNN building when there is no construction for blocks.

I normally don’t watch the constantly negative news otherwise known as CNN however, the other day I decided to scroll through my “for you” page on tictoc. Admit It, regardless of your age you just cannot stop mindlessly scrolling through the tictoc feed. Anyway, I started to see MN looting live in Target, Starbucks CVS and before you know it I was scrolling and got hooked on RIOT PORN. Yes, I am coining this phrase.

What is RIOT PORN, well its kind of like a bad accident that you know you should not watch but you have to hold up traffic and stop to look. This process is otherwise known as rubber necking, which by the way is what started this in the first place. I guess the cops thought that George Flyod had a rubber neck and could just be knelt on it for 9 minutes. The media aslo had a similar issue in Paris 3 days later.

Do you think its right that people are destroying business, cop cars even harassing civilians that are minding there business trying to get from point A to point B with out getting there car destroyed beat up and even killed. To answer this you have to ask your self this question, do you think that things can change with peaceful protest like MLK when he marched on the Whitehouse?

This is my two cents; I think that we are now living in a different pop culture, instant gratification society that strives on extremism.

What I mean is, people will do anything to get on TV, to standout even almost kill them selves hanging off building or just to catch a 10 second video clip to post on Youtube, Instagram or tictoc. We have become a desensitized society of mindless sheep following the next major trend to become tictoc or insta-famous.

Although it takes shock and awe to move the masses to action, it also will piss off the government and enact Marshall law which will take away our rights. Do you honestly think that this whole process is not planed. This process is very strategically planed and too think otherwise your fooling yourself. Eyes are off the Pandemic, even though we now brought together tens of thousands of people who can spread the “bio warfare” I am mean Covid 19 virus much faster than if we just stayed at home.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – MAY 31: A woman carries a ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign past U.S. National Guard troops in the Fairfax District, an area damaged during yesterday’s unrest, after the troops were activated by California Governor Gavin Newsom following violent demonstrations in response to George Floyd’s death on May 31, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was taken into custody for Floyd’s death. Chauvin has been accused of kneeling on Floyd’s neck as he pleaded with him about not being able to breathe. Floyd was pronounced dead a short while later. Chauvin and 3 other officers, who were involved in the arrest, were fired from the police department after a video of the arrest was circulated. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

People are looking for an excuse to leave there house because most of us are “Bored in the House and were in The House Bored“. That said, please protest in peace, protect your rights but don’t commit outright crimes. I mean do you have to take run on Rodeo drive because all the high-end stores are there or in Portland Louis Vuitton com on, enough is enough. If you want to be thief and act like a criminal, then rob a fucking bank excuse my language. Time to man up grow up and act like adults, protect your family protect your freedom but don’t sacrifice civil liberties in the process.

It just a mater of time that the powers to be get what they want, everyone sucking on the tit of America waiting on a check, then we are told when to go outside how we supposed to live our day to day life.

I appreciate you reading this and allowing me to share from my perspective. I will end with this, we think we have won the battle by protesting with RIOTS but you have lost the war. When its time to rebuild the major stores and companies will think twice before they open back up in your community. It took 10 years for the area where Rodney King RIOT’s in LA before real stores would come back. If you want to destroy where you live that your prerogative.

I believe in justice and some my good friends are black, Indian and my wife is Asian. There has been over 20 George Floyd type incidents over the last 10 yrs, this time it was more of a powder keg due to the Pandemic, and peoples general economic and mental condition. I agree there are some racist cops that deserve to be punished for sure.

I had to get this off my chest and share with you all how I feel. I hope this article find you and your family safe and please feel free to share your feelings and comments.

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