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The key to trading successfully is understanding that it’s 90% how you handle your own emotions and 10% how you trade. There are hundreds if not thousands of strategies to trade. The psychology of trading can make or break you in crypto or forex trading.

Many of you are excited about the possibility of entering back in a bull market but, the majority of you freaked out during the Bear market. Please remember how this feels and help educate the next group of newbies when we exit the bull market at the end of this year. For now, enjoy the rocket ship to the moon and beyond.

I also wanted to introduce trading to bitdragon live as one of our ongoing topics of discussion along with all things crypto related.

Here is link to the BITDRAGON IML PRESENTATION mentioned in the video. https://youtu.be/hee6D5N183o

Although Results are not typical you can have the opportunity to earn by trading, or sharing the education membership and access to master traders in the industry for a fraction of what you would pay outside of this platform. With the new Swipe Technology platform, you can utilize new tools such as Swipecoin, Swipe Trade plus and many others. The company is 5yrs old at this time approx 20 Million per month in revenue and have created over 105 Six figure yearly earners spanning across 120 countries around the world.

In our opinion, this is the most comprehensive, simple system that was ever created to learn and earn in this industry.

Please get back to the person that shared this with you, or you if you would like to work with me personally feel free to contact me directly.

This is by far one of the sexiest platforms for trading I have ever seen.

I am not a financial advisor, and nothing in this video constitutes financial or legal advice. Please invest responsibly and do your research with due diligence.

For over a year we have been posting insights on our Instagram channel. We reference one of our public Altfolio http://bitback.io

For info on Marketslive: http://whatisiml.com

Comment or DM me if you would like to work with me personly on this project.


Follow up on Instagram for daily updates :

Top AltFolio Expert Adam Russell. Mr. Russell is the president of Bitdragon Live, their aim is to provide the best resources and exciting information on how to build an AltFolio that could make you wealthy. Adam Russell is a crypto investor and advisor who has been involved in the Crypto industry since early 2016.

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